The History of Growing Through
Growing Through was founded in 1995 in Birmingham, England by Dale and Jewell Erickson. Over the years, with the input of many qualified and creative people, they have developed biblically based peer support programmes for children and teenagers who have been bereaved through death or family breakdown.
The children’s curriculum, for ages 6-11 yrs., is based on the story of Joseph (Genesis 37-47). The teenage curriculum, for ages 12-18yrs, is based on the story of David (1 and 2 Samuel), and how he expressed his emotions in the Psalms. Both ninety-minute programmes address a different topic over a period of thirteen weeks. They have been evaluated and refined over the years to provide a simple, interactive, fun way for lay people to facilitate grief support groups in their community through churches, schools, or organisations.
The programmes are targeted, specific, evidenced-based curriculums of intervention and prevention. By helping children / teenagers learn ways to cope with their grief now, problems stemming from unresolved grief are prevented in the future. Above all, the aim is to communicate to young people that God has not abandoned them, and that He is there to help them through life’s difficulties.
In 2015, Jewell and Dale migrated back to the United States to oversee its international development. At that point, Mary Gault, a volunteer based in Northern Ireland, took oversite of the UK work. In 2017, the charity was relocated from England to Northern Ireland, and in November, 2018, it was reregistered and relaunched with a new board of trustees.
As the charity has evolved, many groups have been established within communities throughout the UK and internationally. Currently there are key people in Africa, India, the UK and the USA who can help you or your group start a programme in your community. Contact us for details.